WeGoLook helps prevent On-line Fraud. A Nationwide Company, WeGoLook.com provides visual confirmation and a personalized report, completed by a real person, to verify a product, person, place or thing.
Step 1:
Simply choose your "Look" at WeGoLook
Step 2:
Once you have placed your order, WeGoLook will send a "Looker" to complete the report.
Step 3
Our 7,000 professional "Lookers" are background check verified and hence safe. they are quickly dispatched to the item, property or person to complete their observation.
Step 4
The observation will include watching a working demonstration of the item (if applicable), answering questions posed by the consumer such as measurements, specific logos/engraving, serial, model or vin numbers and more.
Step 5
You will receive an e-mailed report between 1-3 business days with the information and current photos you need to make an informed decision.
Step 6
WeGoLook will also deliver the verified item to a shipper in order to avoid "Bait- and-Switch" fraud and even arrange transportation for larger items, such as autos and boats, while a "Looker" verifies the valid vehicle/item is loaded for transportation.
2. Convenience
3. Save Time and Money
4. Peace-of-mind
Step 1:
Simply choose your "Look" at WeGoLook
Step 2:
Once you have placed your order, WeGoLook will send a "Looker" to complete the report.
Step 3
Our 7,000 professional "Lookers" are background check verified and hence safe. they are quickly dispatched to the item, property or person to complete their observation.
Step 4
The observation will include watching a working demonstration of the item (if applicable), answering questions posed by the consumer such as measurements, specific logos/engraving, serial, model or vin numbers and more.
Step 5
You will receive an e-mailed report between 1-3 business days with the information and current photos you need to make an informed decision.
Step 6
WeGoLook will also deliver the verified item to a shipper in order to avoid "Bait- and-Switch" fraud and even arrange transportation for larger items, such as autos and boats, while a "Looker" verifies the valid vehicle/item is loaded for transportation.
1. Customers are better informed, avoid costly surprises, plus benefit from unbiased confirmation without having to travel.2. Convenience
3. Save Time and Money
4. Peace-of-mind
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